Submitted as: model description paper
17 Oct 2012
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 17 Oct 2012
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.

COSTRICE – three model online coupling using OASIS: problems and solutions

H. T. M. Ho, B. Rockel, H. Kapitza, B. Geyer, and E. Meyer

Abstract. The coupled system COSTRICE is developed for the first time in order to reproduce the interactions and feedbacks between atmosphere, ocean and sea-ice in a two-way online coupled model system containing three component models for regional climate simulations over Baltic Sea and North Sea regions. The regional climate model CCLM1 is coupled to the regional ocean model TRIMNP1 and the sea ice model CICE1 via the coupler OASIS3. In this study, CCLM is setup with a horizontal grid mesh size of 50 km and 32 vertical atmosphere layers and driven by the 6-h ERA-interim reanalysis data as initial and boundary conditions. TRIMNP is setup with a horizontal grid mesh size of 12.8 km and 50 vertical ocean levels. CICE calculates ice in 5 categories and runs with the same horizontal resolution as TRIMNP but only over the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat Bay of the North Sea. In a two-way online coupling process, CCLM is linked to TRIMNP through sea surface temperature (SST) as lower boundary condition every 3 h and TRIMNP is driven by 1-h atmospheric state variables and fluxes of CCLM. The data exchange processes between TRIMNP and CICE as well as from CCLM to CICE take place with an interval of 3 h. The coupled model is applied in a study for climate simulations over Baltic Sea and North Sea regions in 1997. The coupled system is set up to run in parallel on the super computing system IBM-power 6 at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ).

1 See Table A1.

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H. T. M. Ho, B. Rockel, H. Kapitza, B. Geyer, and E. Meyer
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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H. T. M. Ho, B. Rockel, H. Kapitza, B. Geyer, and E. Meyer
H. T. M. Ho, B. Rockel, H. Kapitza, B. Geyer, and E. Meyer


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