Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Development and technical paper
22 Nov 2016
Development and technical paper |  | 22 Nov 2016

P-CSI v1.0, an accelerated barotropic solver for the high-resolution ocean model component in the Community Earth System Model v2.0

Xiaomeng Huang, Qiang Tang, Yuheng Tseng, Yong Hu, Allison H. Baker, Frank O. Bryan, John Dennis, Haohuan Fu, and Guangwen Yang

Data sets

P-CSI v1.0, an accelerated barotropic solver for the high-resolution ocean model component in the Community Earth System Model v2.0 Xiaomeng Huang, Qiang Tang, Yuheng Tseng, Yong Hu, Allison H. Baker, Frank O. Bryan, John Dennis, Haohuan Fu, and Guangwen Yang

Short summary
Refining model resolution is helpful for representing climate processes. With resolution increasing, the computational cost will become very huge. We designed a new solver to accelerate the high-resolution ocean simulation so as to reduce the computational cost and make full use of the computing resource of supercomputers. Our results show that the simulation speed of the improved ocean component with 0.1° resolution achieves 10.5 simulated years per wall-clock day on 16875 CPU cores.