Articles | Volume 9, issue 11
Model experiment description paper
09 Nov 2016
Model experiment description paper |  | 09 Nov 2016

nonlinMIP contribution to CMIP6: model intercomparison project for non-linear mechanisms: physical basis, experimental design and analysis principles (v1.0)

Peter Good, Timothy Andrews, Robin Chadwick, Jean-Louis Dufresne, Jonathan M. Gregory, Jason A. Lowe, Nathalie Schaller, and Hideo Shiogama


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Short summary
The nonlinMIP model intercomparison project is described. nonlinMIP provides experiments that account for state-dependent regional and global climate responses. The experiments have two main applications: 1) to focus understanding of responses to CO2 forcing on states relevant to specific policy or scientific questions (e.g. change under low-forcing scenarios, the benefits of mitigation, or from past cold climates to the present day), or 2) to understand state dependence of climate responses.