Articles | Volume 9, issue 7
Development and technical paper
12 Jul 2016
Development and technical paper |  | 12 Jul 2016

Multi-sensor cloud and aerosol retrieval simulator and remote sensing from model parameters – Part 2: Aerosols

Galina Wind, Arlindo M. da Silva, Peter M. Norris, Steven Platnick, Shana Mattoo, and Robert C. Levy


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Short summary
The MCARS code creates sensor radiances using model-generated atmospheric columns and actual sensor and solar geometry. MCARS output looks like real data, so it is usable by any code that reads MODIS data. MCARS output can be used to test remote-sensing retrieval algorithms. Users know what went into creating the radiance: atmosphere, surface, clouds, and aerosols. Models can use MCARS output to create new parameterizations of relations of atmospheric physical quantities and measured radiances.