Articles | Volume 8, issue 5
Development and technical paper
05 May 2015
Development and technical paper |  | 05 May 2015

Structure of forecast error covariance in coupled atmosphere–chemistry data assimilation

S. K. Park, S. Lim, and M. Zupanski

Abstract. In this study, we examined the structure of an ensemble-based coupled atmosphere–chemistry forecast error covariance. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem), a coupled atmosphere–chemistry model, was used to create an ensemble error covariance. The control variable includes both the dynamical and chemistry model variables. A synthetic single observation experiment was designed in order to evaluate the cross-variable components of a coupled error covariance. The results indicate that the coupled error covariance has important cross-variable components that allow a physically meaningful adjustment of all control variables. The additional benefit of the coupled error covariance is that a cross-component impact is allowed; e.g., atmospheric observations can exert an impact on chemistry analysis, and vice versa. Given the realistic structure of ensemble forecast error covariance produced by the WRF-Chem, we anticipate that the ensemble-based coupled atmosphere–chemistry data assimilation will respond similarly to assimilation of real observations.

Short summary
The structure of an ensemble-based coupled atmosphere-chemistry forecast error covariance is examined using the WRF-Chem, a coupled atmosphere-chemistry model. It is found that the coupled error covariance has important cross-variable components that allow a physically meaningful adjustment of all control variables. Additional benefit of the coupled error covariance is that a cross-component impact is allowed; e.g., atmospheric observations can exert impact on chemistry analysis, and vice versa.