Articles | Volume 4, issue 2
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Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system
H. T. Hewitt
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
D. Copsey
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
I. D. Culverwell
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
C. M. Harris
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
R. S. R. Hill
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
A. B. Keen
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
A. J. McLaren
Met Office, Hadley Centre, Exeter, Devon, UK
E. C. Hunke
T-3 Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
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279 citations as recorded by crossref.
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10 citations as recorded by crossref.
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