Articles | Volume 17, issue 17
Development and technical paper
13 Sep 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 13 Sep 2024

Lagrangian tracking of sea ice in Community Ice CodE (CICE; version 5)

Chenhui Ning, Shiming Xu, Yan Zhang, Xuantong Wang, Zhihao Fan, and Jiping Liu

Data sets

Sea Ice Index NSIDC

PIOMAS (Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System) Ice Volume Data, 1979-present, Polar Science Center

IABP 3-hourly bouy data International Arctic Buoy Programme

Model code and software

OMARE-Community/Lagrangian-tracking-of-sea-ice-in-CICE (v1.0) Chenhui Ning and Shiming Xu

Short summary
Sea ice models are mainly based on non-moving structured grids, which is different from buoy measurements that follow the ice drift. To facilitate Lagrangian analysis, we introduce online tracking of sea ice in Community Ice CodE (CICE). We validate the sea ice tracking with buoys and evaluate the sea ice deformation in high-resolution simulations, which show multi-fractal characteristics. The source code is openly available and can be used in various scientific and operational applications.