Articles | Volume 17, issue 17
Model description paper
06 Sep 2024
Model description paper |  | 06 Sep 2024

Modelling the water isotope distribution in the Mediterranean Sea using a high-resolution oceanic model (NEMO-MED12-watiso v1.0): evaluation of model results against in situ observations

Mohamed Ayache, Jean-Claude Dutay, Anne Mouchet, Kazuyo Tachikawa, Camille Risi, and Gilles Ramstein

Model code and software

Model and output for Ayache et al "Modelling the water isotopes distribution in the Mediterranean Sea using a high-resolution oceanic model (NEMO-MED12-watiso-v1.0): Evaluation of model results against in-situ observations" M. Ayache et al.

The NEMO model IPSL Climate Modeling Center

The LMDZ model IPSL Climate Modeling Center

Short summary
Water isotopes (δ18O, δD) are one of the most widely used proxies in ocean climate research. Previous studies using water isotope observations and modelling have highlighted the importance of understanding spatial and temporal isotopic variability for a quantitative interpretation of these tracers. Here we present the first results of a high-resolution regional dynamical model (at 1/12° horizontal resolution) developed for the Mediterranean Sea, one of the hotspots of ongoing climate change.