Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Development and technical paper
22 Aug 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 22 Aug 2024

Quantifying the role of ozone-caused damage to vegetation in the Earth system: a new parameterization scheme for photosynthetic and stomatal responses

Fang Li, Zhimin Zhou, Samuel Levis, Stephen Sitch, Felicity Hayes, Zhaozhong Feng, Peter B. Reich, Zhiyi Zhao, and Yanqing Zhou

Data sets

New parameterization scheme for modeling ozone-caused damage to vegetation in process-based models: data Fang Li

Model code and software

New parameterization scheme for modeling ozone-caused damage to vegetation in process-based models: code Fang Li

CESM-release-cesm2.2.0 CESM Team

Short summary
A new scheme is developed to model the surface ozone damage to vegetation in regional and global process-based models. Based on 4210 data points from ozone experiments, it accurately reproduces statistically significant linear or nonlinear photosynthetic and stomatal responses to ozone in observations for all vegetation types. It also enables models to implicitly capture the variability in plant ozone tolerance and the shift among species within a vegetation type.