Articles | Volume 17, issue 13
Model evaluation paper
05 Jul 2024
Model evaluation paper |  | 05 Jul 2024

Simulation of marine stratocumulus using the super-droplet method: numerical convergence and comparison to a double-moment bulk scheme using SCALE-SDM 5.2.6-2.3.1

Chongzhi Yin, Shin-ichiro Shima, Lulin Xue, and Chunsong Lu

Data sets

GCSS LES Intercomparison Based on Flight RF02 NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Model code and software

wangyouyue/GMD_2024_code_Yin: SCALE-SDM_Yin2024_v1.0.4 Chongzhi Yin

Video supplement

Supplement to the article "Simulation of marine stratocumulus using the super-droplet method: Numerical convergence and comparison to a double-moment bulk scheme" Chongzhi Yin

Short summary
We investigate numerical convergence properties of a particle-based numerical cloud microphysics model (SDM) and a double-moment bulk scheme for simulating a marine stratocumulus case, compare their results with model intercomparison project results, and present possible explanations for the different results of the SDM and the bulk scheme. Aerosol processes can be accurately simulated using SDM, and this may be an important factor affecting the behavior and morphology of marine stratocumulus.