Articles | Volume 17, issue 10
Development and technical paper
22 May 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 22 May 2024

Parallel SnowModel (v1.0): a parallel implementation of a distributed snow-evolution modeling system (SnowModel)

Ross Mower, Ethan D. Gutmann, Glen E. Liston, Jessica Lundquist, and Soren Rasmussen

Data sets

Parallel-SnowModel Ross Mower et al.

Model code and software

Parallel-SnowModel Ross Mower et al.

NCAR/Parallel-SnowModel: Parallel-SnowModel Ross Mower

Short summary
Higher-resolution model simulations are better at capturing winter snowpack changes across space and time. However, increasing resolution also increases the computational requirements. This work provides an overview of changes made to a distributed snow-evolution modeling system (SnowModel) to allow it to leverage high-performance computing resources. Continental simulations that were previously estimated to take 120 d can now be performed in 5 h.