Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Model description paper
17 Apr 2024
Model description paper |  | 17 Apr 2024

CLASH – Climate-responsive Land Allocation model with carbon Storage and Harvests

Tommi Ekholm, Nadine-Cyra Freistetter, Aapo Rautiainen, and Laura Thölix

Data sets

LPJ-GUESS model results for parametrizing the CLASH model L. Thölix and T. Ekholm

Demonstration of CLASH - Result data and data analysis scripts N.-C. Freistetter et al.

Model code and software

CLASH model code, version 2024-01-22 T. Ekholm et al.

Scripts for CLASH parametrization and for producing the parametrization and validation plots T. Ekholm

Short summary
CLASH is a numerical model that portrays land allocation between different uses, land carbon stocks, and agricultural and forestry production globally. CLASH can help in examining the role of land use in mitigating climate change, providing food and biogenic raw materials for the economy, and conserving primary ecosystems. Our demonstration with CLASH confirms that reduction of animal-based food, shifting croplands and storing carbon in forests are effective ways to mitigate climate change.