Articles | Volume 16, issue 24
Model description paper
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21 Dec 2023
Model description paper | Highlight paper |  | 21 Dec 2023

The Framework for Assessing Changes To Sea-level (FACTS) v1.0: a platform for characterizing parametric and structural uncertainty in future global, relative, and extreme sea-level change

Robert E. Kopp, Gregory G. Garner, Tim H. J. Hermans, Shantenu Jha, Praveen Kumar, Alexander Reedy, Aimée B. A. Slangen, Matteo Turilli, Tamsin L. Edwards, Jonathan M. Gregory, George Koubbe, Anders Levermann, Andre Merzky, Sophie Nowicki, Matthew D. Palmer, and Chris Smith


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Executive editor
This manuscript provides a novel and comprehensive assessment of uncertainty associated with sea level rise. The model description is thorough and it is applied to a number of possible scenarios. The conclusions are important for framing future discussions on sea level rise.
Short summary
Future sea-level rise projections exhibit multiple forms of uncertainty, all of which must be considered by scientific assessments intended to inform decision-making. The Framework for Assessing Changes To Sea-level (FACTS) is a new software package intended to support assessments of global mean, regional, and extreme sea-level rise. An early version of FACTS supported the development of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report sea-level projections.