Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
Development and technical paper
07 Dec 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 07 Dec 2023

A novel Eulerian model based on central moments to simulate age and reactivity continua interacting with mixing processes

Jurjen Rooze, Heewon Jung, and Hagen Radtke

Model code and software

Application described in paper: A novel Eulerian model based on central moments to simulate age and reactivity continua interacting with mixing processes Jurjen Rooze

Short summary
Chemical particles in nature have properties such as age or reactivity. Distributions can describe the properties of chemical concentrations. In nature, they are affected by mixing processes, such as chemical diffusion, burrowing animals, and bottom trawling. We derive equations for simulating the effect of mixing on central moments that describe the distributions. We then demonstrate applications in which these equations are used to model continua in disturbed natural environments.