Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
Development and technical paper
29 Nov 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 29 Nov 2023

GeoINR 1.0: an implicit neural network approach to three-dimensional geological modelling

Michael Hillier, Florian Wellmann, Eric A. de Kemp, Boyan Brodaric, Ernst Schetselaar, and Karine Bédard

Model code and software

GeoINR 1.0: an implicit neural network approach to three-dimensional geological modelling Michael Hillier, Florian Wellmann, Eric de Kemp, Boyan Brodaric, Ernst Schetselaar, and Karine Bédard

Short summary
Neural networks can be used effectively to model three-dimensional geological structures from point data, sampling geological interfaces, units, and structural orientations. Existing neural network approaches for this type of modelling are advanced by the efficient incorporation of unconformities, new knowledge inputs, and improved data fitting techniques. These advances permit the modelling of more complex geology in diverse geological settings, different-sized areas, and various data regimes.