Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Model description paper
14 Nov 2023
Model description paper |  | 14 Nov 2023

Ocean wave tracing v.1: a numerical solver of the wave ray equations for ocean waves on variable currents at arbitrary depths

Trygve Halsne, Kai Håkon Christensen, Gaute Hope, and Øyvind Breivik

Data sets

Global Total Surface and 15m Current (COPERNICUS-GLOBCURRENT) from Altimetric Geostrophic Current and Modeled Ekman Current Reprocessing GlobCurrent E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information (CMEMS)

Model code and software

Model repository Trygve Halsne, Kai Haakon Christensen, Gaute Hope, and Øyvind Breivik

Video supplement

Example video Trygve Halsne, Kai Haakon Christensen, Gaute Hope, and Øyvind Breivik

Short summary
Surface waves that propagate in oceanic or coastal environments get influenced by their surroundings. Changes in the ambient current or the depth profile affect the wave propagation path, and the change in wave direction is called refraction. Some analytical solutions to the governing equations exist under ideal conditions, but for realistic situations, the equations must be solved numerically. Here we present such a numerical solver under an open-source license.