Articles | Volume 16, issue 19
Methods for assessment of models
12 Oct 2023
Methods for assessment of models |  | 12 Oct 2023

DASH: a MATLAB toolbox for paleoclimate data assimilation

Jonathan King, Jessica Tierney, Matthew Osman, Emily J. Judd, and Kevin J. Anchukaitis

Model code and software

DASH Repository Jonathan King

DASH: A MATLAB toolbox for paleoclimate data assimilation Jonathan King, Jessica Tierney, Matthew Osman, Emily Judd, Kevin Anchukaitis

Short summary
Paleoclimate data assimilation is a useful method that allows researchers to combine climate models with natural archives of past climates. However, it can be difficult to implement in practice. To facilitate this method, we present DASH, a MATLAB toolbox. The toolbox provides routines that implement common steps of paleoclimate data assimilation, and it can be used to implement assimilations for a wide variety of time periods, spatial regions, data networks, and analytical algorithms.