Articles | Volume 16, issue 19
Development and technical paper
10 Oct 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 10 Oct 2023

Modeling sensitivities of thermally and hydraulically driven ice stream surge cycling

Kevin Hank, Lev Tarasov, and Elisa Mantelli

Data sets

Supplementary material for "Modeling sensitivities of thermally and hydraulically driven ice stream surge cycling" Kevin Hank

Model code and software

GSMv01.31.2023 code archive for LISsq experiments Lev Tarasov, Kevin Hank, and Benoit S. Lecavalier

pism/pism: v2.0.2 bug fix release (v2.0.2) Constantine Khrulev, Ed Bueler, Andy Aschwanden, damaxwell, Torsten Albrecht, Jed Brown, Julien Seguinot, Matthias Mengel, Sebastian Hinck, EnricoDeg, Florian Ziemen, Kyle Blum, ronjareese, tkleiner, DeepSource Bot, sschoell, and Moritz Kreuzer

Short summary
Physically meaningful modeling of geophysical system instabilities is numerically challenging, given the potential effects of purely numerical artifacts. Here we explore the sensitivity of ice stream surge activation to numerical and physical model aspects. We find that surge characteristics exhibit a resolution dependency but converge at higher horizontal grid resolutions and are significantly affected by the incorporation of bed thermal and sub-glacial hydrology models.