Articles | Volume 16, issue 18
Development and technical paper
15 Sep 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 15 Sep 2023

A parallel implementation of the confined–unconfined aquifer system model for subglacial hydrology: design, verification, and performance analysis (CUAS-MPI v0.1.0)

Yannic Fischler, Thomas Kleiner, Christian Bischof, Jeremie Schmiedel, Roiy Sayag, Raban Emunds, Lennart Frederik Oestreich, and Angelika Humbert

Data sets

GMD 2022 CUAS-MPI on HHLR Scaling Profiles Yannic Fischler

Model code and software

CUAS-MPI Yannic Fischler, Thomas Kleiner, Raban Emunds, Lennart Oestreich

Short summary
Water underneath ice sheets affects the motion of glaciers. This study presents a newly developed code, CUAS-MPI, that simulates subglacial hydrology. It is designed for supercomputers and is hence a parallelized code. We measure the performance of this code for simulations of the entire Greenland Ice Sheet and find that the code works efficiently. Moreover, we validated the code to ensure the correctness of the solution. CUAS-MPI opens new possibilities for simulations of ice sheet hydrology.