Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Model evaluation paper
10 Aug 2023
Model evaluation paper |  | 10 Aug 2023

Simulating heat and CO2 fluxes in Beijing using SUEWS V2020b: sensitivity to vegetation phenology and maximum conductance

Yingqi Zheng, Minttu Havu, Huizhi Liu, Xueling Cheng, Yifan Wen, Hei Shing Lee, Joyson Ahongshangbam, and Leena Järvi

Data sets

Datasets for simulating heat and CO2 fluxes in Beijing using SUEWS V2020b Yingqi Zheng, Huizhi Liu, and Xueling Cheng

Short summary
The performance of the Surface Urban Energy and Water Balance Scheme (SUEWS) is evaluated against the observed surface exchanges (fluxes) of heat and carbon dioxide in a densely built neighborhood in Beijing. The heat flux modeling is noticeably improved by using the observed maximum conductance and by optimizing the vegetation phenology modeling. SUEWS also performs well in simulating carbon dioxide flux.