Articles | Volume 16, issue 14
Development and technical paper
26 Jul 2023
Development and technical paper |  | 26 Jul 2023

Breakups are complicated: an efficient representation of collisional breakup in the superdroplet method

Emily de Jong, John Ben Mackay, Oleksii Bulenok, Anna Jaruga, and Sylwester Arabas

Model code and software

PySDM Sylwester Arabas, Piotr Bartman, Emily de Jong, Clare Singer, Michael A. Olesik, Oleksii Bulenok, Ben Mackay, Sajjad Azimi, Kamil Górski, Anna Jaruga, Bartosz Piasecki, and Codacy Badger

PySDM-examples Sylwester Arabas, Clare Singer, Emily de Jong, Sajjad Azimi, Piotr Bartman, Oleksii Bulenok, imdula, Ben Mackay, Anna Jaruga, and Wenhan Tang

Short summary
In clouds, collisional breakup occurs when two colliding droplets splinter into new, smaller fragments. Particle-based modeling approaches often do not represent breakup because of the computational demands of creating new droplets. We present a particle-based breakup method that preserves the computational efficiency of these methods. In a series of simple demonstrations, we show that this representation alters cloud processes in reasonable and expected ways.