Articles | Volume 16, issue 11
Methods for assessment of models
05 Jun 2023
Methods for assessment of models |  | 05 Jun 2023

How is a global sensitivity analysis of a catchment-scale, distributed pesticide transfer model performed? Application to the PESHMELBA model

Emilie Rouzies, Claire Lauvernet, Bruno Sudret, and Arthur Vidard

Data sets

Code availability and data for: How to perform global sensitivity analysis of a catchment-scale, distributed pesticide transfer model? Application to the PESHMELBA model Emilie Rouzies, Claire Lauvernet, Bruno Sudret, and Arthur Vidard

Model code and software

Peshmelba v2.0 code for global sensitivity analysis Emilie Rouzies, Claire Lauvernet, Bruno Sudret, and Arthur Vidard

Short summary
Water and pesticide transfer models are complex and should be simplified to be used in decision support. Indeed, these models simulate many spatial processes in interaction, involving a large number of parameters. Sensitivity analysis allows us to select the most influential input parameters, but it has to be adapted to spatial modelling. This study will identify relevant methods that can be transposed to any hydrological and water quality model and improve the fate of pesticide knowledge.