Articles | Volume 16, issue 6
Model evaluation paper
28 Mar 2023
Model evaluation paper |  | 28 Mar 2023

Development and validation of a global 1∕32° surface-wave–tide–circulation coupled ocean model: FIO-COM32

Bin Xiao, Fangli Qiao, Qi Shu, Xunqiang Yin, Guansuo Wang, and Shihong Wang


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Short summary
A new global surface-wave–tide–circulation coupled ocean model (FIO-COM32) with a resolution of 1/32° × 1/32° is developed and validated. Both the promotion of the horizontal resolution and included physical processes are shown to be important contributors to the significant improvements in FIO-COM32 simulations. It is time to merge these separated model components (surface waves, tidal currents and ocean circulation) and start a new generation of ocean model development.