Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Model evaluation paper
28 Feb 2023
Model evaluation paper |  | 28 Feb 2023

On the use of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) spectrally resolved radiances to test the EC-Earth climate model (v3.3.3) in clear-sky conditions

Stefano Della Fera, Federico Fabiano, Piera Raspollini, Marco Ridolfi, Ugo Cortesi, Flavio Barbara, and Jost von Hardenberg

Data sets

IASI Level 1C Climate Data Record Release 1 -- Metop-A, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites EUMETSAT

ece_iasi_postprocessed_output Stefano Della Fera

Model code and software

σ-IASI (2.2) Guido Masiello, Carmine Serio, Giuliano Liuzzi, Sara Venafra, Tiziano Maestri, Michele Martinazzo, Umberto Amato, and Giuseppe Grieco

Short summary
The long-term comparison between observed and simulated outgoing longwave radiances represents a strict test to evaluate climate model performance. In this work, 9 years of synthetic spectrally resolved radiances, simulated online on the basis of the atmospheric fields predicted by the EC-Earth global climate model (v3.3.3) in clear-sky conditions, are compared to IASI spectral radiance climatology in order to detect model biases in temperature and humidity at different atmospheric levels.