GULF18, a high-resolution NEMO-based tidal ocean model of the Arabian/Persian Gulf
Data sets
Supporting data for the GMD draft paper "GULF18, a high-resolution NEMO-based tidal ocean model of the Arabian/Persian Gulf"
Model code and software
NEMO source code, compilation keys and namelists of PGM4, GULF18-3.6 and GULF18-4.0 models used in GMD draft paper "GULF18, a high-resolution NEMO-based tidal ocean model of the Arabian/Persian Gulf"
Global Ocean- In-Situ Near-Real-Time Observations -INSITU_GLO_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_030
Global Ocean OSTIA Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis - SST_GLO_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_001