Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Model evaluation paper
28 Jan 2022
Model evaluation paper |  | 28 Jan 2022

Modeling symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation in grain legumes globally with LPJ-GUESS (v4.0, r10285)

Jianyong Ma, Stefan Olin, Peter Anthoni, Sam S. Rabin, Anita D. Bayer, Sylvia S. Nyawira, and Almut Arneth

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Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for GMD
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Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for GMD
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The implementation of the biological N fixation process in LPJ-GUESS in this study provides an opportunity to quantify N fixation rates between legumes and to better estimate grain legume production on a global scale. It also helps to predict and detect the potential contribution of N-fixing plants as green manure to reducing or removing the use of N fertilizer in global agricultural systems, considering different climate conditions, management practices, and land-use change scenarios.