Articles | Volume 15, issue 19
Development and technical paper
05 Oct 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 05 Oct 2022

MUNICH v2.0: a street-network model coupled with SSH-aerosol (v1.2) for multi-pollutant modelling

Youngseob Kim, Lya Lugon, Alice Maison, Thibaud Sarica, Yelva Roustan, Myrto Valari, Yang Zhang, Michel André, and Karine Sartelet

Model code and software

The Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH) Youngseob Kim, Karine Sartelet, Lya Lugon, Yelva Roustan, Thibaud Sarica, Alice Maison, Myrto Valari, Yang Zhang, and Michel André

Short summary
This paper presents the latest version of the street-network model MUNICH, v2.0. The description of MUNICH v1.0, which models gas-phase pollutants in a street network, was published in GMD in 2018. Since then, major modifications have been made to MUNICH. The comprehensive aerosol model SSH-aerosol is now coupled to MUNICH to simulate primary and secondary aerosol concentrations. New parameterisations have also been introduced. Test cases are defined to illustrate the new model functionalities.