Articles | Volume 15, issue 18
Development and technical paper
26 Sep 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 26 Sep 2022

Improved upper-ocean thermodynamical structure modeling with combined effects of surface waves and M2 internal tides on vertical mixing: a case study for the Indian Ocean

Zhanpeng Zhuang, Quanan Zheng, Yongzeng Yang, Zhenya Song, Yeli Yuan, Chaojie Zhou, Xinhua Zhao, Ting Zhang, and Jing Xie


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Short summary
We evaluate the impacts of surface waves and internal tides on the upper-ocean mixing in the Indian Ocean. The surface-wave-generated turbulent mixing is dominant if depth is < 30 m, while the internal-tide-induced mixing is larger than surface waves in the ocean interior from 40 to 130 m. The simulated thermal structure, mixed layer depth and surface current are all improved when the mixing schemes are jointly incorporated into the ocean model because of the strengthened vertical mixing.