Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Model description paper
06 Jul 2022
Model description paper |  | 06 Jul 2022

CLM5-FruitTree: a new sub-model for deciduous fruit trees in the Community Land Model (CLM5)

Olga Dombrowski, Cosimo Brogi, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Damiano Zanotelli, and Heye Bogena

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Soil carbon storage and food production of fruit orchards will be influenced by climate change. However, they lack representation in models that study such processes. We developed and tested a new sub-model, CLM5-FruitTree, that describes growth, biomass distribution, and management practices in orchards. The model satisfactorily predicted yield and exchange of carbon, energy, and water in an apple orchard and can be used to study land surface processes in fruit orchards at different scales.