Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Model description paper
09 Mar 2022
Model description paper |  | 09 Mar 2022

Empirical Lagrangian parametrization for wind-driven mixing of buoyant particles at the ocean surface

Victor Onink, Erik van Sebille, and Charlotte Laufkötter

Data sets

Data from "The effect of particle properties on the depth profile of buoyant plastics in the ocean" Merel Kooi, Julia Reisser, Boyan Slat, Francesco Ferrari, Mortiz Schmid, Serena Cunsolo, Roberto Brambini, Kimberly Noble, Lys-Anne Sirks, Theo E. W. Linders, Rosanna I. Schoeneich-Argent, and Albert A. Koelmans

Model code and software

Model and analysis code for: "Empirical Lagrangian parametrization for wind-driven mixing of buoyant particulates at the ocean surface" Victor Onink

Short summary
Turbulent mixing is a vital process in 3D modeling of particle transport in the ocean. However, since turbulence occurs on very short spatial scales and timescales, large-scale ocean models generally have highly simplified turbulence representations. We have developed parametrizations for the vertical turbulent transport of buoyant particles that can be easily applied in a large-scale particle tracking model. The predicted vertical concentration profiles match microplastic observations well.