Model description paper
16 Feb 2022
Model description paper |

16 Feb 2022
The Aerosol Module in the Community Radiative Transfer Model (v2.2 and v2.3): accounting for aerosol transmittance effects on the radiance observation operator
Cheng-Hsuan Lu, Quanhua Liu, Shih-Wei Wei, Benjamin T. Johnson, Cheng Dang, Patrick G. Stegmann, Dustin Grogan, Guoqing Ge, Ming Hu, and Michael Lueken
Data sets
Sample data and fixed files for running fv3aerorad in GSI
Cheng-Hsuan Lu, Quanhua Liu, Shih-Wei Wei, Benjamin T. Johnson, Cheng Dang, Patrick G. Stegmann, Dustin Grogan, Guoqing Ge, Ming Hu, and Michael Lueken
Model code and software
JCSDA/crtm: Tagged release for CRTM v2.3 for Zenodo archival and DOI (v2.3.0-Public-Zenodo)
Benjamin Johnson, Cheng Dang, Jim Rosinski, Yingtao Ma, and P. G. Stegmann
comgsi/GSI: comgsi.2021-11-29 (comgsi.2021-11-29)
Michael Lueken, Ed Safford, Russ Treadon, Rahul Mahajan, Jeffrey Whitaker, J. Derber, Krishna Kumar, Wanshu Wu, Kristen Bathmann, Mingjing Tong, Xu Li, Mark Potts, E. Liu, Manuel Pondeca, Yanqiu Zhu, Andrew Collard, E. Jones, Ming Hu, Jacob Carley, Daryl Kleist, James Jung, Xiujuan Su, Catherine Thomas, Runhua, Iliana Genkova, Z. Ma, Guoqing Ge, Haixia Liu, George Gayno, and S. Nebuda