Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Development and technical paper
11 Feb 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 11 Feb 2021

Lossy compression of Earth system model data based on a hierarchical tensor with Adaptive-HGFDR (v1.0)

Zhaoyuan Yu, Dongshuang Li, Zhengfang Zhang, Wen Luo, Yuan Liu, Zengjie Wang, and Linwang Yuan

Data sets

Climate model data Zhengfang Zhang

Model code and software

Compressed code and data Zhengfang Zhang

Short summary
Few lossy compression methods consider both the global and local multidimensional coupling correlations, which could lead to information loss in data compression. Here we develop an adaptive lossy compression method, Adaptive-HGFDR, to capture both the global and local variation of multidimensional coupling correlations and improve approximation accuracy. The method can achieve good compression performances for most flux variables with significant spatiotemporal heterogeneity.