Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Development and technical paper
30 Sep 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 30 Sep 2021

GP-SWAT (v1.0): a two-level graph-based parallel simulation tool for the SWAT model

Dejian Zhang, Bingqing Lin, Jiefeng Wu, and Qiaoying Lin


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Short summary
GP-SWAT is a two-layer model parallelization tool for a SWAT model based on the graph-parallel Pregel algorithm. It can be employed to perform both individual and iterative model parallelization, endowing it with a range of possible applications and great flexibility in maximizing performance. As a flexible and scalable tool, it can run in diverse environments, ranging from a commodity computer with a Microsoft Windows, Mac or Linux OS to a Spark cluster consisting of a large number of nodes.