Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Development and technical paper
25 Jan 2021
Development and technical paper |  | 25 Jan 2021

Improving dust simulations in WRF-Chem v4.1.3 coupled with the GOCART aerosol module

Alexander Ukhov, Ravan Ahmadov, Georg Grell, and Georgiy Stenchikov


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Short summary
We discuss and evaluate the effects of inconsistencies found in the WRF-Chem code when using the GOCART module. First, PM surface concentrations were miscalculated. Second, dust optical depth was underestimated by 25 %–30 %. Third, an inconsistency in the process of gravitational settling led to the overestimation of dust column loadings by 4 %–6 %, PM10 by 2 %–4 %, and the rate of gravitational dust settling by 5 %–10 %. We also presented diagnostics that can be used to estimate these effects.