Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Model evaluation paper
25 Jan 2021
Model evaluation paper |  | 25 Jan 2021

Performance of offline passive tracer advection in the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS; v3.6, revision 904)

Kristen M. Thyng, Daijiro Kobashi, Veronica Ruiz-Xomchuk, Lixin Qu, Xu Chen, and Robert D. Hetland

Data sets

ROMS input files Kristen Thyng, Xu Chen, and Steve Morey

ROMS Input Files (second source) Kristen Thyng, Xu Chen, and Steve Morey

Output from running offline passive tracer in ROMS ocean model Kristen Thyng

Model code and software

Offline passive tracer in ROMS (Version v1.1) Kristen Thyng, Daijiro Kobashi, Veronica Ruiz Xomchuk, Lixin Qu, Xu Chen, and Robert D. Hetland

Run files for offline passive tracer simulation in ROMS Kristen Thyng

Run files for online simulation Kristen Thyng

Run files for offline passive tracer simulation in ROMS (Version v1.1) Kristen Thyng and Veronica Ruiz Xomchuk

Short summary
We modified the ROMS model to run in offline mode so that previously run fields of sea surface height and velocity fields are input to calculate tracer advection without running the full model with a larger time step; thus, it is faster. The code was tested with two advection schemes, and both are robust with over 99 % accuracy of the offline to online run after 14 simulation days. This allows for ROMS users to maximize use of new or existing output to quickly run additional tracer simulations.