Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Methods for assessment of models
28 May 2021
Methods for assessment of models |  | 28 May 2021

An improved multivariable integrated evaluation method and tool (MVIETool) v1.0 for multimodel intercomparison

Meng-Zhuo Zhang, Zhongfeng Xu, Ying Han, and Weidong Guo

Model code and software

MVIETool M.-Z. Zhang

Short summary
The Multivariable Integrated Evaluation Tool (MVIETool) is a simple-to-use and straightforward tool designed for evaluation and intercomparison of climate models in terms of vector fields or multiple fields. The tool incorporates some new improvements in vector field evaluation (VFE) and multivariable integrated evaluation (MVIE) methods, which are introduced in this paper.