Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Model description paper
21 May 2021
Model description paper |  | 21 May 2021

A new gas absorption optical depth parameterisation for RTTOV version 13

James Hocking, Jérôme Vidot, Pascal Brunel, Pascale Roquet, Bruna Silveira, Emma Turner, and Cristina Lupu


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Short summary
RTTOV is a fast radiative transfer model for simulating passive satellite-based observations at visible, infrared, and microwave wavelengths. A core part of the model is a parameterisation of the absorption of radiation by the various gases present in the atmosphere. We present a new parameterisation that performs well compared to the existing one in terms of accuracy and can be developed further more easily. The new parameterisation is implemented in the latest release, RTTOV v13.0.