Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Model description paper
05 May 2021
Model description paper |  | 05 May 2021

BFM17 v1.0: a reduced biogeochemical flux model for upper-ocean biophysical simulations

Katherine M. Smith, Skyler Kern, Peter E. Hamlington, Marco Zavatarelli, Nadia Pinardi, Emily F. Klee, and Kyle E. Niemeyer

Data sets

Data for "Reduced-Order Biogeochemical Flux Model for Upper OceanBiophysical Simulations" [Data set] Katherine Smith, Skyler Kern, Peter Hamlington, Marco Zavatarelli, Nadia Pinardi, Emily Klee, and Kyle Niemeyer

Model code and software

marco-zavatarelli/BFM17-56 BFM17-56 (Version BFM17-56) Katherine M. Smith, Skyler Kern, Peter E. Hamlington, Marco Zavatarelli, Nadia Pinardi, Emily F. Klee, and Kyle E. Niemeyer

Short summary
We present a newly developed reduced-order biogeochemical flux model that is complex and flexible enough to capture open-ocean ecosystem dynamics but reduced enough to incorporate into highly resolved numerical simulations with limited additional computational cost. The model provides improved correlations between model output and field data, indicating that significant improvements in the reproduction of real-world data can be achieved with a small number of variables.