Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Model evaluation paper
05 Aug 2020
Model evaluation paper |  | 05 Aug 2020

Concentration Trajectory Route of Air pollution with an Integrated Lagrangian model (C-TRAIL Model v1.0) derived from the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ Model v5.2)

Arman Pouyaei, Yunsoo Choi, Jia Jung, Bavand Sadeghi, and Chul Han Song

Data sets

CMAQ (Version 5.2) US EPA Office of Research and Development

armanpouyaei/C-TRAIL-v1.0: First release (Version 1.0) Arman Pouyaei

An International Coopera- tive Air Quality Field Study in Korea KORUS-AQ

Short summary
This paper introduces a novel Lagrangian model (Concentration Trajectory of Air pollution with an Integrated Lagrangian model, C-TRAIL) for showing the source and receptor areas by following polluted air masses. To investigate the concentrations and trajectories of air masses simultaneously, we use the trajectory-grid (TG) Lagrangian advection model. The TG model follows the concentrations of representative air packets of species along trajectories determined by the wind field.