Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Model description paper
21 Apr 2020
Model description paper |  | 21 Apr 2020

The Cloud-resolving model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.3: description and applications of a virtual observatory

Mariko Oue, Aleksandra Tatarevic, Pavlos Kollias, Dié Wang, Kwangmin Yu, and Andrew M. Vogelmann

Data sets

LASSO Data Bundles Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facility

The Cloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.2: Description and Applications of a Virtual Observatory M. Oue, T. Matsui, and P. Kollias

Model code and software

The Cloud Resolving Model Radar Simulator (CR-SIM) Version 3.3 M. Oue, A. Tatarevic, P. Kollias, D. Wang, and K. M. Yu

Short summary
We developed the Cloud-resolving model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM) capable of apples-to-apples comparisons between the multiwavelength, zenith-pointing, and scanning radar and multi-remote-sensing (radar and lidar) observations and the high-resolution atmospheric model output. Applications of CR-SIM as a virtual observatory operator aid interpretation of the differences and improve understanding of the representativeness errors due to the sampling limitations of the ground-based measurements.