Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Model description paper
15 Mar 2019
Model description paper |  | 15 Mar 2019

Development of a dynamic dust source map for NMME-DREAM v1.0 model based on MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) over the Arabian Peninsula

Stavros Solomos, Abdelgadir Abuelgasim, Christos Spyrou, Ioannis Binietoglou, and Slobodan Nickovic


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Latest update: 23 Nov 2024
Short summary
In this research we developed a time-dependent dust source map for NMME-DREAM v1.0 model based on the MODIS Normalized Digital Vegetation Index (NDVI). Areas with NDVI < 0.1 are classified as active dust sources. The new modeling system is tested for the analysis of dust particle dispersion over SW Asia using a mesoscale model grid increment of 0.1° × 0.1° km for a period of 1 year. Simulated AOD increased compared to the static dust source approach and there was an increase in dust loads.