Articles | Volume 12, issue 11
Model evaluation paper
05 Nov 2019
Model evaluation paper |  | 05 Nov 2019

Model evaluation of high-resolution urban climate simulations: using the WRF/Noah LSM/SLUCM model (Version 3.7.1) as a case study

Zhiqiang Li, Yulun Zhou, Bingcheng Wan, Hopun Chung, Bo Huang, and Biao Liu


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Short summary
This article proposes a methodological framework for the model evaluation of high-resolution urban climate simulations and demonstrates its effectiveness with a case study in a fast-urbanizing area (Shenzhen and Hong Kong SAR, China). It is intended to (again) remind urban climate modellers of the necessity of conducting systematic model evaluations in urban-scale climatology modelling and reduce ambiguous or arbitrary modelling practices.