Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Development and technical paper
16 Jan 2019
Development and technical paper |  | 16 Jan 2019

Independent perturbations for physics parametrization tendencies in a convection-permitting ensemble (pSPPT)

Clemens Wastl, Yong Wang, Aitor Atencia, and Christoph Wittmann

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 1221–1236,,, 2015

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Implementing detailed nucleation predictions in the Earth system model EC-Earth3.3.4: sulfuric acid–ammonia nucleation
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Modeling biochar effects on soil organic carbon on croplands in a microbial decomposition model (MIMICS-BC_v1.0)
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Short summary
Ensemble forecasting at the convection-permitting scale (< 3 km) requires new methodologies in representing model uncertainties. In this paper a new stochastic scheme is proposed and tested in the complex terrain of the Alps. In this scheme the tendencies of the physical parametrizations are perturbed separately, which sustains a physically consistent relationship between the processes. This scheme increases the stability of the model and leads to improvements in the probabilistic performance.