Articles | Volume 12, issue 6
Model evaluation paper
24 Jun 2019
Model evaluation paper |  | 24 Jun 2019

Tropospheric mixing and parametrization of unresolved convective updrafts as implemented in the Chemical Lagrangian Model of the Stratosphere (CLaMS v2.0)

Paul Konopka, Mengchu Tao, Felix Ploeger, Mohamadou Diallo, and Martin Riese

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Short summary
CLaMS is a Lagrangian transport model suitable for simulating atmospheric transport and chemistry. The novel approach of CLaMS is its description of atmospheric mixing. Whereas the common approach is to minimize the numerical diffusion ever present in the modeling of transport, CLaMS is a first attempt to apply this undesirable disturbing effect to parametrize the true physical mixing. In this paper, we show how this concept works both in the stratosphere and in the troposphere.