Model description paper
11 Apr 2019
Model description paper |

11 Apr 2019
Implementation of the sectional aerosol module SALSA2.0 into the PALM model system 6.0: model development and first evaluation
Mona Kurppa, Antti Hellsten, Pontus Roldin, Harri Kokkola, Juha Tonttila, Mikko Auvinen, Christoph Kent, Prashant Kumar, Björn Maronga, and Leena Järvi
Model code and software
Source code of the PALM model system (revision 3125)
PALM is free software that is redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (v3).
First description of the model:
Raasch, S. and M. Schröter (2001): PALM - a large-eddy simulation model performing on massively parallel computers. Meteorol. Z. 10, 363–372
Most recent description:
Maronga, B., Gryschka, M., Heinze, R., Hoffmann, F., Kanani-Sühring, F., Keck, M., Ketelsen, K., Letzel, M. O., Sühring, M., and Raasch, S. (2015): The Parallelized Large-Eddy Simulation Model (PALM) version 4.0 for atmospheric and oceanic flows: model formulation, recent developments, and future perspectives, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 1539-1637, DOI:10.5194/gmd-8-2515-2015