Articles | Volume 11, issue 9
Model description paper
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18 Sep 2018
Model description paper | Highlight paper |  | 18 Sep 2018

sympl (v. 0.4.0) and climt (v. 0.15.3) – towards a flexible framework for building model hierarchies in Python

Joy Merwin Monteiro, Jeremy McGibbon, and Rodrigo Caballero


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Short summary
In the same way that the fruit fly or the yeast cell serve as model systems in biology, climate scientists use a range of computer models to gain a fundamental understanding of our climate system. These models range from extremely simple models that can run on your phone to those that require supercomputers. Sympl and climt are packages that make it easy for climate scientists to build a hierarchy of such models using Python, which facilitates easy to read and self-documenting models.