Articles | Volume 11, issue 8
Development and technical paper
21 Aug 2018
Development and technical paper |  | 21 Aug 2018

Implementation of a simple thermodynamic sea ice scheme, SICE version 1.0-38h1, within the ALADIN–HIRLAM numerical weather prediction system version 38h1

Yurii Batrak, Ekaterina Kourzeneva, and Mariken Homleid


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Short summary
The authors discuss the implementation and performance of a simple one-dimensional sea ice scheme within the ALADIN–HIRLAM numerical weather prediction system. This scheme is developed to replace the prescribed sea ice surface temperature that was used before. Numerical experiments over the large ice-covered areas of the European Arctic show that new scheme helps to improve the modelled 2 m temperature in regions that are influenced by sea ice, especially when the forecast is longer than 12 h.