Articles | Volume 11, issue 8
Model description paper
16 Aug 2018
Model description paper |  | 16 Aug 2018

Veros v0.1 – a fast and versatile ocean simulator in pure Python

Dion Häfner, René Løwe Jacobsen, Carsten Eden, Mads R. B. Kristensen, Markus Jochum, Roman Nuterman, and Brian Vinter


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Short summary
Well-performing, easy-to-use ocean models are a central ingredient to further the understanding of our Earth and climate. Veros, the versatile ocean simulator, is the first full-blown ocean model entirely written in the high-level programming language Python. It is considerably more approachable than traditional Fortran models and leverages modern best practices; at the same time, thanks to the Bohrium framework, Veros is about half as fast as a reference implementation in Fortran 90.