Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Development and technical paper
25 Jan 2017
Development and technical paper |  | 25 Jan 2017

Implementation of street trees within the solar radiative exchange parameterization of TEB in SURFEX v8.0

Emilie C. Redon, Aude Lemonsu, Valéry Masson, Benjamin Morille, and Marjorie Musy


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Short summary
In order to assess the potential of cooling of urban vegetation in cities, we need to refine some processes in the microclimate models running on cities as the TEB model. The shading effects of trees on roads, low vegetation (grass), or walls are key processes impacting both air and surface temperatures in the streets by reducing them and improving the thermal comfort of inhabitants. They have been implemented into the TEB model and simulations have been evaluated by a fine-scale model, SOLENE.