Articles | Volume 10, issue 8
Model description paper
04 Aug 2017
Model description paper |  | 04 Aug 2017

The CO5 configuration of the 7 km Atlantic Margin Model: large-scale biases and sensitivity to forcing, physics options and vertical resolution

Enda O'Dea, Rachel Furner, Sarah Wakelin, John Siddorn, James While, Peter Sykes, Robert King, Jason Holt, and Helene Hewitt

Data sets

NEMO namelist for CO5 AMM7 Enda O'Dea

Model code and software

CO5 Standard Coastal Ocean Model AMM7 Bathymetry Enda O'Dea

Short summary
An update to an ocean modelling configuration for the European North West Shelf is described. It is assessed against observations and climatologies for 1981–2012. Sensitivities in the model configuration updates are assessed to understand changes in the model system. The model improves upon an existing model of the region, although there remain some areas with significant biases. The paper highlights the dependence upon the quality of the river inputs.